ODAAT - Day One

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

One day at a time...in fact one hour, one minute, seconds at a time.

Stuck to my food plan, rearranged a bit. I had an errand to run in the morning and was feeling crampy so couldn't eat as early as I wanted. So I ended up with a late breakfast and my meals were switched. Switched in that my oatmeal was taken in the late afternoon and then breakfast was leftover veggies and sweet potato from lat night. For dinner, I had more collard greens. Couldn't eat much more because Aunt Flow is whoopin' my butt - or rather my uterus.

I was tempted to take some Halloween candy, but attended an online OA meeting instead. Feel great, minus these cramps - urrgggghhhhh!!!

Update minutes later:
Adding more now that I am opportune to have a 90 second break until the next wave of cramping. This morning (and part of last night), I read the third step, which talks of a surrendering to a Higher Power (HP). I felt as if earlier today, I kind of coasted on my self-will. However, there was a point in which I threw up a half-hearted prayer to God to resist the urge to delve into Halloween candy as my sweet tooth came a-callin'. In response to my prayer, I was gifted with a great online OA meeting and menstrual cramps, which totally shut down my mind-tongue-gut axis.  The Lord, oweeee...ouch, answers prayers.

ODAAT - One day at a time.


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