The makings of a food plan

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

It's hard to start OA without obsessing about a food plan and what it means to be abstinent. I initially tried a food plan recommended on another OA member website - but found it was too complex. Currently I find myself in a situation in which I have been living with my parents for the past two months and will be moving back to my place, God willing, next week. So my food choices are largely dictated by whatever is available in the house. Oh, and let me add, I am a flat-broke graduate student.

I was initially frustrated by my relapse within few days of starting the plan and thought - why not just try small changes on a a weekly basis. That back fired. Not only was I not able to implement the change, but also, I ended up eating worse than I initially did.

I found one that seems simply and allows me to have my morning grain (I eat oatmeal almost daily, without fail).  It can be found here. It's great in that it conforms to a basic rule that a fellow OA member suggested - that my food plan fit within a post-it note.  In essence it is this:
  • Breakfast: 1 fruit serving, 1 dairy serving, 1 grain serving.
  • Lunch: 12 Oz vegetables, 1 protein serving, 1 fat serving, 1 fruit serving.
  • Dinner: 12 oz Vegetables, 1 protein serving, 1 fat serving, 1 grain serving
I will also follow the idea of 3-0-1, which is three meals a day, zero in between, and taking it one day at a time. I may find that depending on my work schedule, I may have to budge on the snack limitations, but again, one day at a time.

Again from the same website:
Allow 4-6 hours between each meal. Weigh all food and liquids precisely. Sugar must be the 5th ingredient on the list. No more than 5 packets of artificial sweetener on any day. Dairy may be substituted for protein after the first 30 days. No fruit in the evening because of how your body processes it.
Again, more adjustments will be made in regards to measurements. At this time, I do not have utensils to measure things with, though I have in the past. I will eyeball most things.  I like the idea of a fudge factor for artificial sweeteners, though I am lowering it to two packets and a five-hour energy.

Two posts in one day. Just finished my first online meeting. They can be found here. They are daily and at various times during the day. Emailed my sponsor as well. Feeling so so about our relationship. Will keep you all updated.

At this point, I think I have the makings of a food plan.


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